Originally Canniesburn Golf Club from 1908-1924, the club changed its name and moved to Windyhill. Even there, alterations have been made and Windyhill’s layout changed over the years. In 1930, a rough drawing reveals the original layout of holes while a modern aerial view shows today’s layout.

The names of the holes may be the same but now they are played in a different order.

What was the 16th green in 1930 is now the 2nd.
Not so many trees then.

The shape of the older 5th remains the same as today’s 8th green. The path takes the same route.

The 1930 8th hole is roughly the same as the present 11th but with a bit of a dog leg.
Look for the sheep grazing on the green.
The old 9th green is the area behind the modern 11th green. Golfers walked down the hill and hit back up for a Par 3.

Compare the views up the current 11th fairway with the 15th tee in the distance.
There were no electricity pylons in 1930 and the modern 15th tee was the 12th green.

In 1930, today’s 14th hole did not exist and you played up this hill to reach the 12th green, now the 15th tee.

The 10th hole followed the route of today’s 12th hole.
Look for the 1930’s style of bag and golf wear.

The 18th hole was always the finishing hole at Windyhill.
But there are a few differences:-
- 2 bunkers guarded the entrance to the green in 1930
- It looks like a starter’s box at what was then the first tee, now the 4th
- No extensions on either side of the clubhouse
- An open balcony overlooking the green
- The chimney has been replaced by solar panels